MR is a liquid-ring pump specially designed for pumping liquids containing air or gas. The pump is for use in food, chemical, pharmaceutical and similar industries. The pump is mainly used for CIP-return applications. All product wetted parts, i.e. pump casing, casing cover and impeller are made of acid-resistant steel AISI 316L. Seals are made of EPDM rubber. Cap nuts, legs, leg brackets, adaptor and shroud are made of stainless steel.
The shroud has noise absorbing lining inside. On MR-166S, -185S and 200S, the mechanical single seals have stationary seal rings of acid-resistant steel AISI 329 and rotating seal rings of carbon. The MR-300 has mechanical single seal with stationary seal rings of carbon and rotating seal rings of acid-resistant steel AISI 329.